Sunday, March 18, 2018


 Attending a webinar was actually a pretty amazing experience, It is an online presentation which is great for sharing information, establishing thought leadership & generating new leads. I picked an interesting, different and useful topic that touches my target in life.


The presenter named Sheila Hooda, she is an advisor and a board member, she started her presentation by defining leadership as a translation of hope into reality .She talked about the most difficult challenges faced by women involving business landscape and how women must deal with those challenges. Leadership is a personal thing that should be developed in a certain way. She was always repeating that ;YOU ARE A LEADER.YOU HAVE IT WITHIN YOU!YOU CAN DO IT!

The session included qualities of a good leader and the abilities to make hard decisions. Sheila advises women to push themselves beyond their comfort zone, to set-up high goals, have a higher level plans, start new functions, take new responsibilities, believe in themselves, increase their visibility as to work hard on their appearance, tone& speech, speak-up in meetings to let her voice heard and presence felt. Also she encourages them to seek mentors, sponsors & to learn from the experiences of successful men around them and ask for help. Also she insists that they should build network of allies, collaborations, partnerships and trust them.

All these can be achieved by determination, sense determination is a wide road that leads to success.