Wednesday, April 11, 2018


    Teenagers  think differently now,their brains are going through a huge changes,they are neither kids nor adults,they like to take risk,sleep much  time, they misread emotions and they lack self control.Teachers should understand the fact that they are passing through a developing psychological and mental process,which is a natural phenomenon ,that they themselves cannot control.Teachers can guide their risky behaviors by encouraging them to take chances in a safe environment and to overcome their fear of failure in away that they have to know their mistakes and not be mocked and criticized by others.Teachers should discuss for them the importance of getting a good night's rest,so they will not sleep in the class,taking into consideration that their sleeping hormones are increasing by nature.Their self-control can be improved in a way to limit their distraction during the class time when their concentration and memory are needed,talk to them about what distract them and try to reduce these factors in a realistic and rational way.

1 comment:

  1. Teachers dealing with teenagers is a very tricky topic, it's essential for teachers to tailor their activities according to the students' age groups. This is why classrooms' activities should stress on teens' tendency to start being independent, creative, and innovative
