Wednesday, April 11, 2018


        Children become over weight and obese for variety of reasons, The most common causes are genetic factors, hormonal problems, unhealthy eating habits, lack of physical activities and sometimes caused by medical intake. 
   Schools' shops and cafeterias offer for them pasties , snacks, different kinds of sweets and chocolates, chips and juices. Parents should be aware of this, they need to ask a professional dietician  to support him and set a plan introducing the qualities and quantities of a healthy food , including vegetables,fruits, whole grain products, low fat dairy products, and proteins in a reasonably-sized portions. Schools in their turn should stop serving junkies  and ask students to get their home-make food lunch box.

1 comment:

  1. We are living in the junk food world so as a result of that obesity will obviously pop out. We need to raise the awareness about the dangers and the seriousness of this problem
