Sunday, April 8, 2018


Bullying is the act of one person using strength or words to insult,threat and harm the feeling of another person.Although school bullying is commonly taken to refer to students  bullying each other,teachers can also be the victims of bullying by their students!Students sometimes seize power in a disruptive classroom and use to distress the teacher and make fun of them in a way of verbal abuse and free speeches,and sometimes there are physical bullying or attacks!In extreme cases teachers have been pushed,kicked ,slapped.spat at, had there physical  appearance mocked and had even stuck by chair !Also web posts are created by students in which teachers are rated in a way that students can say anything,and they share videos filmed during the class,
also fairy or not ,students make false reports about teachers to the school board .Teachers thus will feel humiliated,powerless and stressed.
  • Speak calmly and try to redirect the student aggression.
  • Speak with school personnel who are experienced with handling bullying.
  • Try to isolate the student from the class.
  • Reward student's success rather than pointing out underachievement.
  • Do an internet search for your name regularly.Report offensive comments or videos about you to the websites.
  • Keep you personal life personal.Don't post pictures,use passwords to protect you Facebook ,twitter, or Instagram pages.
Teacher's bullying is a serious matter that you don't have to handle alone.


  1. I really loved these steps.Usually it's the other way around and teachers bully students but it actually happens. Thanks for the advice.

  2. Preventing and stopping bullying involves a commitment to creating a safe environment where children can thrive,socially and academically without being afraid.Teachers and school administrators need to be knowledgeable and observant.Also,students and parents need to be a part of the solution and involved in safety teams and anti bullying task forces.Creating an anti bullying document and having both the student and the parents sign it helps students understand the seriousness of bullying.

  3. I have experienced bullying in my childhood life and as a teacher I do my best to prevent its occurrence in my classes. the things you mentioned that a teacher can do is very beneficial and I will take them into account and try to use them to prevent any kind of bullying around. Interesting topic.

  4. I really loved these steps,since I have experienced bullying in my childhood life and as a teacher I do my best to prevent its occurrence in my classes.Perfect Topic.
