Saturday, April 7, 2018


Ø Illiteracy is the lack of any or sufficient education, it is the inability of reading and writing. In order to fight illiteracy we have to figure out it's causes;
Ø  Poverty; which is usually the issue of the government, poor children instead of attending schools, they find jobs to support their families.

Ø Parent's ignorance and little schooling.

Ø Lack of stimulation.

Ø Doing badly at schools or dropping out of it.

Ø Difficult living conditions including poverty, war and corruption.

Ø Learning disabilities such as Dyslexia, etc...,

Ø Gender discrimination.

Ø Lack of understanding of human rights.

Ø Migration of minds and expertise.
Ø Providing financial support for schools ,developing their educational systems, and providing libraries facilities.

Ø Government's development plans should be provided in cooperation with people themselves, both should work forward to achieve this national duty. A socio-economic improvement should be provided to fight illiteracy.

Ø Organizations an, formal and non-formal educational institutions should be established to help the poor people. They can play a vital role to make the illiterate literate.

Ø Governments should stop child's labor and bring every child to school.

Ø When there is a life  there is a hope and all life conflicts that challenge social and human development should be resolved.

1 comment:

  1. The concept that education is equivalent to literacy is a very disturbing notion, because educators should not only aim to teach students how to read or write, but also teach them how to think, and how to use the knowledge they learn throughout education to contextualize it to fit the real world
