Friday, April 6, 2018

How to motivate lazy students?


                                                                                   Every teacher enjoys teaching the active,co-operative,and disciplined students.To teach the lazy students,the teacher should have the idea of simplicity,clarity,attractiveness, they should have useful techniques that engage their interests.Lazy students prefer to have fun rather than listening to the lecture,so the teacher should prepare some funny and knowledgeable materials related to the topic.Lazy students sit usually at the back of the classroom,they prefer sleeping,playing games,texting their beloved ones,in this case the teacher should implement the plan into action.the teacher should set the class into an active learning environment,by developing curiosity about the lesson.Over head projector,wide screens and some videos about the lesson will help,sense visual learning is the best technique to teach lazy students,also posters,diagrams on the side wall provide extra information.Team work also helps by exposing the students to understand,respect and match themselves with their friends of different opinions and interests.Teachers should focus on them to perform different activities in the class instead of giving them a bag full of homework.A lazy student doesn't need to extra much effort to understand .It is better to discuss the lesson in a simple way.Never get angry,always be in a charming mood with a glorious face which will develop a positive feeling in them.Listen and respond to them,appreciate their feeling,and never compare them to active students.Keep in mind that turtles never move as fast as the rabbit,lazy students are slow,so it's better not to speed up the lesson so they will feel mental pressure,take notes of several points as key points about the lesson and post them on the side wall.Finally if you cooperate into the above techniques and ideas,you no longer have any lazy student,only curious and engaged pupils.

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