Wednesday, April 11, 2018


  •  Our ears and noses never stop growing.
  •  A rainbow can be seen only in the morning or late afternoon         
    It can occur only when the sun is 40 degree or less above the
    • The Olympic flag's colors are always red, black,blue, green, and yellow rings on a field of
      white.This because at least one of those colors appears on the flag of every nation on the planet.                                                                                              
    •  Like finger prints,everyone's tongue's print is different.

    • If we sneeze too hard you can fracture a rib,if you try to suppress a sneeze you can rapture a blood vessel in your head or neck and die.If you keep your eyes open by force then they will pop out.
    •  In space astronauts cannot cry,because there is no gravity and tears can't flow.

    • It is physically impossible for you to lick your elbow.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         😂 I bit you tried it.


        Teenagers  think differently now,their brains are going through a huge changes,they are neither kids nor adults,they like to take risk,sleep much  time, they misread emotions and they lack self control.Teachers should understand the fact that they are passing through a developing psychological and mental process,which is a natural phenomenon ,that they themselves cannot control.Teachers can guide their risky behaviors by encouraging them to take chances in a safe environment and to overcome their fear of failure in away that they have to know their mistakes and not be mocked and criticized by others.Teachers should discuss for them the importance of getting a good night's rest,so they will not sleep in the class,taking into consideration that their sleeping hormones are increasing by nature.Their self-control can be improved in a way to limit their distraction during the class time when their concentration and memory are needed,talk to them about what distract them and try to reduce these factors in a realistic and rational way.


            Children become over weight and obese for variety of reasons, The most common causes are genetic factors, hormonal problems, unhealthy eating habits, lack of physical activities and sometimes caused by medical intake. 
       Schools' shops and cafeterias offer for them pasties , snacks, different kinds of sweets and chocolates, chips and juices. Parents should be aware of this, they need to ask a professional dietician  to support him and set a plan introducing the qualities and quantities of a healthy food , including vegetables,fruits, whole grain products, low fat dairy products, and proteins in a reasonably-sized portions. Schools in their turn should stop serving junkies  and ask students to get their home-make food lunch box.

    Sunday, April 8, 2018


    Bullying is the act of one person using strength or words to insult,threat and harm the feeling of another person.Although school bullying is commonly taken to refer to students  bullying each other,teachers can also be the victims of bullying by their students!Students sometimes seize power in a disruptive classroom and use to distress the teacher and make fun of them in a way of verbal abuse and free speeches,and sometimes there are physical bullying or attacks!In extreme cases teachers have been pushed,kicked ,slapped.spat at, had there physical  appearance mocked and had even stuck by chair !Also web posts are created by students in which teachers are rated in a way that students can say anything,and they share videos filmed during the class,
    also fairy or not ,students make false reports about teachers to the school board .Teachers thus will feel humiliated,powerless and stressed.
    • Speak calmly and try to redirect the student aggression.
    • Speak with school personnel who are experienced with handling bullying.
    • Try to isolate the student from the class.
    • Reward student's success rather than pointing out underachievement.
    • Do an internet search for your name regularly.Report offensive comments or videos about you to the websites.
    • Keep you personal life personal.Don't post pictures,use passwords to protect you Facebook ,twitter, or Instagram pages.
    Teacher's bullying is a serious matter that you don't have to handle alone.

    Saturday, April 7, 2018


    Ø Illiteracy is the lack of any or sufficient education, it is the inability of reading and writing. In order to fight illiteracy we have to figure out it's causes;
    Ø  Poverty; which is usually the issue of the government, poor children instead of attending schools, they find jobs to support their families.

    Ø Parent's ignorance and little schooling.

    Ø Lack of stimulation.

    Ø Doing badly at schools or dropping out of it.

    Ø Difficult living conditions including poverty, war and corruption.

    Ø Learning disabilities such as Dyslexia, etc...,

    Ø Gender discrimination.

    Ø Lack of understanding of human rights.

    Ø Migration of minds and expertise.
    Ø Providing financial support for schools ,developing their educational systems, and providing libraries facilities.

    Ø Government's development plans should be provided in cooperation with people themselves, both should work forward to achieve this national duty. A socio-economic improvement should be provided to fight illiteracy.

    Ø Organizations an, formal and non-formal educational institutions should be established to help the poor people. They can play a vital role to make the illiterate literate.

    Ø Governments should stop child's labor and bring every child to school.

    Ø When there is a life  there is a hope and all life conflicts that challenge social and human development should be resolved.


       There many things that schools and teachers can do to make difference and create positive learning environment to change the lives of students with special needs by participating them  successfully in the learning process.These students may have visual,hearing or physical disabilities,etc...They present challenges to schools and teachers,who in their turn should provide fancy facilities,resources,materials,equipment,and develop the classrooms according to their needs , also to provide particular kinds of support to help them overcome their barriers and to be active participants in their community . Teaching practices should also be provided to reflect an understanding of diversity , equality , and the values and attitude of these students in a manner that ; schools should be recognized as institutions which include every body , support learning and respond to individual needs , in which all students can learn despite of their differences . Educating special needs students is enchanted through cooperation of teachers , schools parents and the community .

    Friday, April 6, 2018

    How to motivate lazy students?


                                                                                       Every teacher enjoys teaching the active,co-operative,and disciplined students.To teach the lazy students,the teacher should have the idea of simplicity,clarity,attractiveness, they should have useful techniques that engage their interests.Lazy students prefer to have fun rather than listening to the lecture,so the teacher should prepare some funny and knowledgeable materials related to the topic.Lazy students sit usually at the back of the classroom,they prefer sleeping,playing games,texting their beloved ones,in this case the teacher should implement the plan into action.the teacher should set the class into an active learning environment,by developing curiosity about the lesson.Over head projector,wide screens and some videos about the lesson will help,sense visual learning is the best technique to teach lazy students,also posters,diagrams on the side wall provide extra information.Team work also helps by exposing the students to understand,respect and match themselves with their friends of different opinions and interests.Teachers should focus on them to perform different activities in the class instead of giving them a bag full of homework.A lazy student doesn't need to extra much effort to understand .It is better to discuss the lesson in a simple way.Never get angry,always be in a charming mood with a glorious face which will develop a positive feeling in them.Listen and respond to them,appreciate their feeling,and never compare them to active students.Keep in mind that turtles never move as fast as the rabbit,lazy students are slow,so it's better not to speed up the lesson so they will feel mental pressure,take notes of several points as key points about the lesson and post them on the side wall.Finally if you cooperate into the above techniques and ideas,you no longer have any lazy student,only curious and engaged pupils.

    Parental problems affect student's development

                                                  More and more of students are not doing well in schools ,  because of family problems. Are parents aware of this? Do they know that their relationship as a couple affects their child? When the home is not stable, the child's success will be limited .Specially when they fight in their presence, children are terrified that they will split and they are traumatized   This will affect their psychological health and their development and shows up a bad behavior and poor results in school. Children are in an emotional conflict , they are unable to concentrate and learn, instead they will become aggressive or withdraw. When we bring children into this world, our responsibility is to create for them a safe and loving environment that will help him to develop into a confident responsible adult. A positive relationship between the parents is an essential factor.  The parents need to spend a quality time together and with their family, and if they quarrel , they should keep the children out of it, we cannot expect relationships to be always smooth sailing, if issues cannot be resolved, they can seek help ;there are family service centers where professional  help is available from religious and private organizations. Ultimately, our children need to feel safe and loved to be ready for school and focus on learning.

    Wednesday, April 4, 2018

    Teachers with sense of humor

      When asked to list qualities they want in teachers,students mostly give a high rating to a sense of humor which involves more than telling jokes,but rather the teachers ability to pleasantly communicate with them in an acceptable manner and with the tendency of shifting frowns,anger and disgust into smiles and gentle encouragement to effuse joy and praise, using indirect joyful techniques when advising young students, who in their turn appreciate teachers with the sense of humor who create a lovely non-threatening classrooms and who help to reduce anxiety within them.